
Check Out The App Kinnect!

A new startup called Kinnect aims to help people privately save generational memories, traditions, recipes and more. The company’s app, launched this month, lets people create invite-only spaces where they can share images, videos, audio, text and more with their entire family. Kinnect was founded in May 2023 by Omar Alvarez, an entrepreneur who has experience working with telehealth brands focused on mental health. Alvarez came up with the idea for Kinnect after he lost his grandfather to Alzheimer’s and his best friend to leukemia. At the start of his grandfather’s battle with Alzheimer’s, Alvarez and his family were coming to terms with the fact that his grandfather was going to lose his memories. They tried to find a place where they could record and store his memories, but his grandfather passed away before they were able to find a way to do so.