
Creative Messaging: 12 Expert-Recommended Tactics: Forbes

Brand awareness is essential to attracting loyal customers and driving sales. While marketing automation technology might help get your products or services in front of consumers, you need a strong, creative approach to make sure your message and brand resonate with your intended audience.

By focusing on your marketing messaging, you can appeal to your customers on a more personal and relatable level. Below, 12 Forbes Agency Council members share the messaging tactics they’ve used to raise their brand profile and drive rapid growth.

1. Consistently Promote What You’re Best At

For messaging, you need to be consistent and unique. You need to be consistent so that every touch point has the same message. Moreover, every company is unique in some way; otherwise, you would not be in business. Find something you are the best at and hammer that home in your marketing. – Peter BoydPaperStreet Web Design

2. Understand How Your Audience Makes Decisions

We marketers use messaging to persuade our audience to choose us — whether that’s increasing awareness or driving growth. So before diving into messaging tactics, spend time understanding how your clients’ audiences make decisions. By doing so, you can figure out exactly how an audience consumes information and craft messaging that will deeply resonate to that particular audience’s needs. – Hamid GhanadanLINUS

3. Try Unexpected Language

Your messaging has the power to connect you to your audience and customers faster. One tactic that many brands have used to cut through is the use of “taboo” language. A sample is ad copy that reads something like: “Lead generation doesn’t need to be a pain in the ask.” Messaging like this can “disrupt” the reader and make them take notice and take action — simply because the messaging caught their eye. – Bernard MayNational Positions

4. Meet With Customers Face-To-Face

Some may argue the visual brand is the first priority; then messaging. However, I strongly believe it’s the other way around. Messaging should be the first obstacle to tackle when creating or refreshing a brand. A vital message tactic is to get up from your desk and meet customers face-to-face. Only then can you ask questions and see their reaction regarding their perception of your brand. – Francine CarbMarkitects, Inc.

5. Create A Brand Character

Messaging is massively important to brands’ becoming remembered, considered and purchased. If you can’t remember what a brand is, you won’t go very far to seek it out. A great way to increase awareness is to create a brand character that either embodies the brand or personifies the product being sold. Flo, from Progressive, is a great example. She stands for the brand and is the brand. – Neal SharmaDEG

6. Ask Your Team For Help

One of the most powerful ways to ensure that you are being heard is to bring in all your employees and know that you have the right people helping you. That means you want to have access to all of the people who will work with you to improve your brand and give you feedback. Asking for the opinions of others is a way to ensure you have the buy-in of the entire team. – Jon JamesIgnited Results

7. Utilize Test Groups

Clear and concise messaging through unique mediums can help a brand tell its story and ultimately lead to rapid growth. A convoluted or poorly conceived message not only slows growth, but can be detrimental to a brand’s image. Utilizing test groups or other exterior sounding boards can help provide useful feedback on how a message is perceived. – Jordan EdelsonAppetizer Mobile LLC

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