
New Social Media App, SocialAI

Are we at peak social media yet? It’s an interesting question to ponder after the launch of an iOS app offering a social media experience just for one. At a glance, SocialAI — which is billed as a pure “AI Social Network” — looks like Twitter, but there’s one very big twist on traditional microblogging: There are no other human users here. Just you. In a nutshell, SocialAI lets you share your thoughts with an infinite supply of ever-available AI-powered bots that can endlessly chat back. No remark you post to SocialAI will ever be greeted with silence nor fail to engage en masse. You simply can’t get ghosted. The app’s faux users exist to hang on your every word — leveraging programmed enthusiasm to chip canned commentary into your replies (even the sarcastic, snarky, and pessimistic bots can’t resist joining these continuous scroll comment pile-ons).