
Forbes: Encouraging More Diversity

Appetizer Mobile’s CEO, Jordan Edelson, was recently mentioned in a Forbes article on strategies to promote diversity within the agency world. Posted below is a snippet of the article that outlines his quote along with other thought leaders on the topic.


There’s been a lot of industry talk recently around diversity and inclusion. And rightfully so: Having a diverse team is important for many reasons, including the ability to envision, discuss and brainstorm ideas or campaigns from many different perspectives. But there’s more work that needs to be done to balance out the playing field.
We asked members of the  Forbes Agency Council for their best hiring tips for a diverse workforce. Their best answers are below:

1. Tap Your Higher Consciousness

By opening your mind, you open the door to greater possibilities and results. In order for a business to grow, it must capture more people, and that means an audience that includes as many people as possible. If you want to appeal to that mass audience, then it is imperative to hire people that have different perspectives, which means diversity, so that they may collectively appeal to that much larger and diverse audience. Diversity means greater results, happier clients and bigger profits. It also sends a message to the industry as they see you rise to the top.  – Keith HermanIPA Equities/PMBC Group

2. Go Global With A Distributed Team

The best way I’ve found to create diversity is to hire globally and build a distributed team. Even small agencies can improve diversity by hiring talent from places we generally overlook. Having a global team with a wide range of perspectives creates better outcomes for all of our clients.  – Kj PrinceInsurance Engine


3. Focus On The Person, Not The Resume 

Understand that a resume will not necessarily provide that information. To gain a more eccentric and diverse workplace requires you to learn more about the person’s life experiences and not just skills as they may be beneficial to the company. – Jordan EdelsonAppetizer Mobile LLC


To read the entire article, please go to:



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