
Globetrotter’s New App

Frequent travelers who want to track their trips and reminisce about their favorite spots and travel memories now have a new app to do so. Globetrotter is today introducing a location-based travel photos app that lets you look back on your past travels and share your memories and stats out to other social apps, like Instagram and others. In addition to sharing your travel highlights and looking back on past trips, Globetrotter also has a feature called “2023 Wrapped,” which leverages the popularity of Spotify Wrapped to showcase your travels for the year, in a similar “year in review” format. The new app was created by indie developer Shihab Mehboob, who had previously run the third-party Twitter client Aviary and later developed the initial version of the Mastodon app Mammoth. As the latter is now in new hands, Mehboob had time to work on a new project. He said the idea of building a travel app appealed to him because he also enjoys taking photos on his trips and wanted a way to look back at his past travels in a new way.