
Forbes: Optimizing Ad Campaigns With AI

Marketers face a complex array of variables at play when trying to optimize ad campaigns, from audience demographics to platform algorithms. With the media landscape in a constant state of evolution, it’s difficult to keep up with every new trend and technology that could impact ad performance. Moreover, consumer behavior is often unpredictable, requiring marketers to continuously test and refine their strategies to achieve the best results. Given such wide-ranging challenges in tracking and adjusting ad campaigns today, artificial intelligence can provide invaluable assistance in addressing a variety of these issues. Forbes Agency Council members explore the ways their agencies are integrating AI tools and resources to facilitate ad optimization and how these approaches are working for them. Jordan Edelson, CEO of Appetizer Mobile, stated “An effective way we’ve utilized AI to optimize ad campaigns is through data analysis and trend recognition. These systems can help identify repeating patterns and trends in customer behavior, which ultimately leads to more efficiently structured campaigns”. To read the entire article, you can visit the following link: