
tech startups Tag

Mobile Apps, Twenty and Mappen Will Merge!

Social network platforms Twenty and Mappen will be merging together. Twenty’s brand goal is to get young individuals out into the real world instead of being glued to their phones. It accomplishes this by letting friends connect in groups and find great experiences near one...

Google Releases Version 1.2 of Its UI Framework Flutter

At MWC Barcelona 2019, Google released version 1.2 of its cross-platform UI framework Flutter. The updated framework is set to help developers more easily accept in-app payments and features support for Android App Bundles, which is Google’s upload format for instant apps and packaging Android...

Chinese Government Shutters Over 9,300 Mobile Apps

Since the start of January, the Cyberspace Administration of China, the country’s chief internet regulator, has shut down over 9,300 mobile apps and 700 websites.     Among apps shuttered includes the popular news app Tencent, which the agency claims was responsible for spreading “vulgar and low-brow content...

Personal Branding Trends You Need to Know for 2019

What’s one personal branding trend you see on the horizon for 2019, and how can professionals take advantage of it?     Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) is an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most successful young entrepreneurs. YEC members represent nearly every industry, generate billions of dollars in...

North Acquires Intel’s Vaunt AR Glasses Patents

The Verge reports that North, the company responsible for Focals AR glasses, has acquired the patents and applications behind Intel’s defunct Vaunt AR glasses program.   North, formerly Thalmic Labs, introduced its take on AR glasses this past October with Focals. Given glasses’ sleek design and...