

Black Friday: Holiday Shopping in 2018

This 2018, Black Friday has never been more exciting for consumers. Appetizer Mobile has seen the sales trend trickle away from brick and mortar stores and gravitate to online shops. Logically, it only makes sense as mobile applications and websites are easily accessible from the...

New Weather App Syncs To Your Calendar!

When we purchase our mobile devices, one of the many conveniences that come with it is the ability to provide us with weather updates. Now there are plenty of other weather mobile apps available in the app store that go the extra mile to provide...

Samsung Unveils The Possible New Age of Smartphones

Samsung unveiled a prototype device today that could potentially change the landscape of the smartphone industry. The new product is called "Infinity Flex Display" which is essentially a smartphone that can fold in half. When unfolded, the device displays a massive 7.3 inch display with...

Apple Keynote: 10/30/18

Apple held their keynote today in the heart of Brooklyn, NY, where they introduced their latest updated products.   The first product showcased was the Macbook Air, which got its first redesign in over four years. The new Macbook contains the latest 3rd generation keyboard, retina display,...

Facebook’s New 3D Photos & AI

Back in May, Facebook announced that they were working on a feature that would allow users to capture photos that would focus primarily on depth for iPhones. Facebook is now releasing the new technology that is compatible with mobile and web in which users can...