
Marketing Tag

Forbes: How To Gain More Customers This Holiday Season

In the upcoming holiday season, brands that combine their marketing efforts can get their offerings in front of more consumers, capture the attention of those who are in the shopping spirit and drive business and increase fourth-quarter revenues. Forbes community members provided their feedback and...

Forbes: Optimizing Facebook Ads For Conversions

The myriad targeting options Facebook offers makes reaching your audience easy. The trick is to know which option will best serve your brand and most effectively drive conversions. Forbes community members were asked for some tips on the topic and Appetizer Mobile's CEO, Jordan Edelson,...

YEC: How To Reach More Millennials on Social Media

For the many companies looking to reach millennials, social media is a commonplace to meet your audience. These social platforms provide great opportunities to engage with millennials and influence their purchasing behaviors. But how can you ensure your social media marketing efforts will be successful and won’t...

Livestreaming Ideas To Connect With Target Audiences

Livestreaming is an innovative way for brands to reach people in a natural, unscripted fashion without blowing their marketing budgets on costly video productions that are more challenging to create. Forbes agency asked its council members for unique ideas on utilizing the tool to target...

Spotify Pauses On Political Ads

Over the past few years, the presidential election and digital political ads have become quite the hot topic. Large social media and technology giants have struggled to deal with the issue of filtering accurate advertisements. Combined with a lack of regulation, there has been lots...