

Important Skills to Look for in Job Candidates

When you are interviewing job applicants, there are certain “soft skills”—that is, non-technical skills that relate more to how you work with others and solve problems—that you should be on the lookout for, as these attributes are not usually spelled out on a candidate’s resume....

YEC: How To Reach More Millennials on Social Media

For the many companies looking to reach millennials, social media is a commonplace to meet your audience. These social platforms provide great opportunities to engage with millennials and influence their purchasing behaviors. But how can you ensure your social media marketing efforts will be successful and won’t...

YEC: Tips to Make Meetings More Efficient

Unnecessary meetings often occur during normal work weeks which can cause mental fatigue for many employees. Nobody wants to sit through an in-person meeting or video conference to hear things that could have instead been summed up in an email message. YEC members were asked for...

YEC: Tips to Grow at the Right Pace

YEC community members were asked about their opinion regarding how to scale their business correctly. Oftentimes, when a business goes through these period of growth, resources can be burned through quickly or resources are deployed at too large of scale. Jordan Edelson, CEO of Appetizer...

Appetizer Mobile Ranked Top App Developer recently posted their top mobile app developers located within New York and of the top agencies included happens to be Appetizer Mobile. Ranked by different categories such as the online profile, reviews and consistency, Appetizer Mobile was given a grade "A". Are you looking...