
Forbes Tag

Forbes: How a Brand Can Utilize Newsletters

Newsletters have been around for centuries, their popularity fluctuating along with the state of the media as times change. While a company newsletter might seem like a marketing artifact of the past to some people, newsletters continue to be a great option for communicators who...

Forbes: Converting Your Online Shoppers

There's a ton of issues that occur on e-commerce websites that can cause shoppers to stop from converting to paid customers. Forbes community members were asked for their tips on assisting on the issue and Appetizer Mobile's CEO, Jordan Edelson, stated, "Often, brands attempt to...

Forbes: How To Gain More Customers This Holiday Season

In the upcoming holiday season, brands that combine their marketing efforts can get their offerings in front of more consumers, capture the attention of those who are in the shopping spirit and drive business and increase fourth-quarter revenues. Forbes community members provided their feedback and...

Forbes: Optimizing Facebook Ads For Conversions

The myriad targeting options Facebook offers makes reaching your audience easy. The trick is to know which option will best serve your brand and most effectively drive conversions. Forbes community members were asked for some tips on the topic and Appetizer Mobile's CEO, Jordan Edelson,...

Forbes: The Best Venue For Your Content

Developing great content is a reward in itself. However, if that content doesn't strike a chord with its core demographic, it isn't performing its function. Businesses need to know where their content is most likely to reach their target audience and make the most impact....

Forbes: 15 Tips For Balancing Ad Spend In An Economic Crisis

Forbes recently posted an article discussing the issues businesses are currently facing regarding advertisement spending during this economic crisis. For agencies, client's ad spends are decreasing leading to lower revenue overall. Jordan Edelson, CEO of Appetizer Mobile, stated that, "Scaling down on advertising spending and...